France The country I was born in. Nothing much to say more than this is my motherland.
Japan I had the amazing opportunity to live 5 years in Japan. There I went to the Tokyo International French School (LFIT). During those 5 years I experienced Japan and its culture and incorporated those traits into myself. 5 years is a long time, more so because I did all my middle school there. Living abroad in this founding period for human construction was unique and priceless. It even led me to continue my Japanese learning back in France to obtain the JLPT-N4 certification.
Germany During high school and at ENSEEIHT, German was my second foreign language. Besides from a class trip in Berlin, I did my 2nd year internship in Germany. More specifically, in Marktoberdorf in Bavaria. There I learned a new style of life, very similar yet different to the one I knew. This was a very pleasant experience and I had the opportunity to put in practice all the German I learned during school days.
Ireland Throughout my scholarship, I learned English. There is no doubt about its use as a lingua franca and it always is useful. Wheter it may be on the internet, for movies or books or for communication with foreigners, English is always present by default. At ENSEEIHT, I perfected my English to be certified a C1+ level by the Cambridge Buisiness Linguaskill, a proficiency that I put to the test during my internship in Germany with a very positive outcome. By the way, I put Ireland flag because I went there 2 times in the past but never in the UK.
Getting conscious of the environment
During my years at ENSEEIHT, I was always sensitised to the environmental issue. During my first year I did the `Fresque du Climat` which aim to raise awareness of the cause and consequences of climate change.
After that, I also did the Sulitest to measure and evaluate my awareness regarding sustainability. This is very important as an engineer as it will be at the core of what we design in the future.
During my second and third year, I also participated in the Climate Day. For this event, multiple workshop and conferences are held with the common point of raising awareness for the environment. This is always helpfull to see detailed approaches and case studies to get a graps of what is happening to this day.